The perfect solution for all your water flow &discharge monitoring needs!

HQ-ware is a Linux/winCE based software that to calculate discharge from a single/multi radar sensor based monitoring/metering system .Parameters such as K & α factors & including various data filtering algorithms are configurable in HQ-ware .The software can also graph and to create statistics from log files collected by HS7/10 terminals.

HS7 /10- a compact, versatile terminal for data acquisition and station control. Newest processor technology and very flexible options for interfacing to SCADA or any central database systems makes the HS7 /10 in combination with HQ-ware a powerful terminal for compact station control.


The extended input options (e.g. ModbusRTU, ModbusTCP) for almost any sensor, analyzer and other analogue or digital I/Os result in a very comprehensive way of signal monitoring, processing and data management. Due to its low power consumption this terminal fits the requirements for the operation in remote installations powered by solar panels.